Smiling Brazil: How can I get free dental treatment through SUS?
A smile is a universal expression that transcends languages and cultures. It is one of the most powerful forms of communication ...
How does the sale of a property financed by Caixa work?
The sale of a property financed by Caixa Econômica Federal is a process that involves several stages and important considerations ...
How many months do I have to work to receive unemployment insurance?
Unemployment insurance is a crucial benefit for workers who lose their jobs involuntarily. It serves as a safety net ...
How to consult and update the Unified Registry online
How to consult and update the Cadastro Único - CadÚnico is an essential tool for identifying and selecting ...
Can you withdraw all your FGTS money? See when it's possible
The Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) is one of the main labor guarantees in Brazil. It was set up to protect ...
How can I find out my PIS number using my CPF? See the ways to check
The Social Integration Program (PIS) is an important benefit granted to Brazilian workers with a formal contract. É ...
Who needs to file an income tax return? See the criteria
Income tax is a reality for many Brazilians every year. However, not everyone is aware of ...
What is the best investment for those with little money?
When it comes to investing, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, especially if you're just starting out or have little money available ...
What is the difference between CDB and CDI? Understand the acronyms
When we start venturing into the world of investments, it's common to come across a series of acronyms and terms ...
Which cryptocurrency is worth investing in? See financial tips
With the growing interest in cryptocurrencies, many investors are wondering which are the best options to invest in 2024. ...